Friday, May 15, 2009

Twenty-Six More

Reasons why you should love this picture:
1. The subject is Caitlin Regan.
2. It clearly shows her mad skills at driving with no hands whilst blocking herself from view of the camera.
3. Look at that bracelet.  Ooooo.
4. She is eating a McFlurry, which, the last time we remember getting them together, as HLPs, was June 30, 2007 when she got crazy like the pox.  
5. She is not crazy like the pox in this picture.
6. Mmm. McFlurries.


  1. 1. You forgot to mention my alabaster skin.
    2.Or the fact that you didn't believe me when I told you it wasn't a spider bite on my shoulder. 3. So really, who's crazy like the pox? Me or You?
    4. I bet no one knows what HLP stands for. Muahahahaha.

  2. I like how Cait's hand blend in with the cup...
